A Saint for All America: Mardarije of Libertyville
October 02, 2019
Tireless preacher of Christ the Lord,
Leader on the path of St. Sava for your people in diaspora,
Labor-loving practitioner and teacher of repentance,
Holy Mardarije of Libertyville and America,
Together with all the Enlighteners of the American lands,
Entreat the only Lover of Mankind,
To grant all Orthodox Christians peace and unity!
— Kontakion to St. Mardarije of Libertyville, Tone 8
Неуморни проповедниче Христа Господа,
Светосавски человођо народа свога у расејању,
трудољубиви зиждитељу и учитељу покајања,
Свети Мардарије Либертивилски и Амерички,
са свима Просветељима американске земље
моли јединога Човекољупца
да подари мир и слогу роду Православноме!
— Кондак Светоме Мардарију Либертивилском, глас 8:
Bishop Mardarije (Uskoković) is a 20th-century saint (d. 1935) of great importance to the American Orthodox faithful. Only recently canonized as a saint during joyous glorification services held at our own diocesan monasteries of St. Sava and New Gracanica in Illinois, awareness of his holy life and tireless works for the Church continue to spread across our nation — and indeed, the whole world!
If you wish to learn more about this great saint of Serbia and America, Ancient Faith Ministries offers three podcast episodes about the impact of our beloved Mardarije. Not only is there content available in both English and Serbian, there is even a brief audiobook for children, too!
(English) Bishop Irenej and Bobby Maddex discuss the life of St. Mardarije | LISTEN
(Serbian & English) Homily of Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro on the life of St. Mardarije, from the Glorification Divine Liturgy | LISTEN
(For Kids) A reading by Dr. Chrissi Hart of the children's book Saint Mardarije of Libertyville (Potamitis Publishing), written and illustrated by Eglé-Ekaterine Potamitis | LISTEN