Our parish was recently blessed with the installation of a processional walkway around the church known as the "Pathway for Peace." Not only does this pathway now beautify our space, but it also enhances our participation in important liturgical processions around the church during celebrations such as Palm Sunday, Great and Holy Friday, and Pascha.
Sponsors looking for a creative and lasting way to give should consider donating an engraved brick to adorn the Pathway for Peace. Bricks feature the name of the individual, family, or business sponsor (or the name of those they wish to honor or commemorate), along with a brief message. Three sizes of brick are available for purchase, and you may purchase as many pavers as you like!
To purchase a brick for the Pathway for Peace, complete your purchase from this website. After you have added your purchase to the cart, you may provide a message for your brick from within the shopping cart as part of the checkout process.
Regular Brick - $300 4 x 8 inches 3 lines of text Up to 20 characters per line (including spaces)
Large Brick - $500 8 x 8 inches 6 lines of text Up to 20 characters per line (including spaces)
X-Large Brick - $1,000 12 x 12 inches 8 lines of text Up to 20 characters per line (including spaces)